Sunday, February 9, 2014

Broiled Grapefruit

When I was a kid and my aunt and uncle in Vermont served us broiled grapefruit with Vermont maple syrup drizzled on top, it was the most exotic food I'd ever seen. Previously, in my mind, this was restaurant food! Still looking exotic and sumptuous today it's a satisfying part of breakfast.

Halve a grapefruit (more evenly than illustrated here)
Cut around the outside, and then the little wedges.
Drizzle honey or maple syrup on top (this is where the even grapefruit helps).
Optionally, dust with cinnamon.
Place grapefruits on a roasting pan under the high broiler for 7-8 minutes. If you start to smell grapefruit, it's ready. These will cool off quickly so if you are serving a group, this should serve right out of the oven.

(c) Vanessa Viola, 2014.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Bird Seed!

Feeding the birds is well, For the Birds! This winter I've dabbled in citizen science by posting bird counts to ebird. Once you get started there's loads of photos, content, stats. Let's not forget bird calls! 
Barn Owl, (c) Vanessa Viola, 2014.

Even beyond the bells and whistles, you can really get hooked on tracking regional birds. We got started taking a Sunday morning to see the Snowy Owls that have frequented the beaches this winter. I have 3 bird lists logged in ebird which makes me, wait for it-- the 116th most active birder in Suffolk County! Yes-- that's how granular these stats get!

Oh yes, I did mix up some bird seed for  the local cardinal and wood thrush. 

Homemade dumpling skins - no turning back!

We found and practiced a recipe for dumpling skins as opposed to buying the opaque discs which pass for some sort of glutinous product. Hands down a delicious experience results! However, a word of caution, taking on this level of provincial kitchen labor, is not for the faint of heart. Rolling, stuffing, and folding these little gems, give yourself 3-5 hours!

Apparently there's a vendor in Flushing which sells homemade dumplings frozen to take home. We had some last week, amazing flavor!! They sell for .50 each?! Really for a special occasion -- go for it!