Best known for her cameo appearance on the mini-series, Cooking with MEV, Mary-Ellen boasts a
no-measure technique. The results are delicious BUT-- get out the Friskies, getting her to write it down is like HERDING CATS! I've taken drastic steps at attempting today's recipe from the Guest Chef. It's not plagiarism! You'll just have to bare with my attempt until MEV publishes that long awaited . . .cook book.1 lb of Swiss Chard leaves and stems chopped.
1 clove garlic minced
4 Eggs
1/2 Cup Feta Cheese Crumbled
3 slices of Italian bread chopped into small pieces (like croutons).
Salt Pepper Olive Oil
Saute swiss chard with garlic very slowly,
season with salt and pepper.
Beat an egg, adding a little milk.
Toss the bread and feta over the Swiss Chard.
Pour the beaten egg over this veggie mixture.
Cook very slowly until the Egg is dry and golden. Flip the
frittata out of the pan to serve.
11/15/14 Edit from MEV: "Add: Adjust to your liking, more veggies, cheese, eggs, etc!"